Getting Started
Starting a new class can be daunting especially if you've not done any serious exercise for some time. Or maybe you haven't done anything for a long time... well don't worry.
We all have to start somewhere & the INSANITY classes are no different to any other fitness session when it comes to preparation.
The class is going to be HARD... it's Max Interval Training, it's supposed to be, that's the reason you're coming.
Here's a few pointers that'll help you:

Modified Exercises & Moves
All the exercises we deliver have a MODIFIED version, modified for those new or returning to a fitness programme and need to ease into a fitness routine. The modified version of an exercise will generally have less impact or plyometric (explosive) component (jumping/bounding etc...). But it will still be hard work & you're definitely going to get a sweat on!

Hydration & Re-hydration
You need to consider hydration. During the class you're going to sweat as your body gets hot from your muscles working. Sweat is one way that your body cools down. It's extremely important that you hydrate before, during & after a session. You should also consider a healthy balanced diet. There's lots of information on the internet.

Good footwear is vital. Training shoes should have a non-slip sole, be supportive of your foot and ideally be light in weight. There are a lot of training shoes out there and they don't have to cost a lot.
See You At The Next Class!

Clothing is also important. Use a layer system to keep warm before & after a session which allows you to remove layers once you've warmed up. Consider that you'll be moving & need to remain flexible so look at materials that allow this. We've already mentioned that you'll be sweating during the session, bring a (hand) towel you'll be thankful you did.
Max Interval Training
Forget everything you think you know about high-intensity workouts. Because INSANITY turns old-school interval training on its head.
If you've ever been to a Spin class, you know how that works. You motor along at a moderate pace for awhile – then all at once, you kick up your speed and heart rate – just for a minute or so. After that, it's back to a lower gear, giving you plenty of time to catch your breath.
But with INSANITY, you do exactly the opposite. You work flat out in 2 to 3 minute blocks and then at5 the end take break only long enough to gulp some air and get right back to work. It's called Max Interval Training, because it keeps your body working at maximum capacity through your entire workout. You keep pushing your limits – so your body has to adapt. That's how you get in such insane shape.